Hi, Ihor,

Ihor Radchenko writes:

> Welcome back :)

thanks! :-)

>> In the meantime, I'm submitting this patch with a fix for second-level
>> French `smart quotes': the correct quotes should be “” (without spaces,
>> as in Spanish or Greek) (please, some francophone correct me, if I'm
>> wrong...).
> The patch does not update the tests. So, we now have
> FAILED   644/1151  test-org-export/activate-smart-quotes
> And it looks like at least on of the test conditions is not trivial to
> fix without knowing French. May you or somebody familiar with French
> punctuation take a look?

I'm afraid I'm not very familiar with the syntax and usage of tests, so
I have to study that part. I've been looking at
`test-org-export/activate-smart-quotes', and I have a question: does it
only include tests for English and French cases?

First level quotes for French are «» with spaces, and second level ones
(if I'm not mistaken) should be “”, without spaces (my patch fix).
Therefore, I understand that a line like:

   (equal '( "« outer « inner » outer »")

should it be changed like this

   (equal '( "« outer “inner” outer »")


Juan Manuel Macías




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