Hi all,

for some years I am using the Python documentation tool Sphinx to write
manuals. My target formats are epub and pdf. Sphinx has a very
comfortable and powerful indexing mechanism which makes indexing very

In the last weeks I went back to an older Sphinx project, which I now
want to finish. As I am now mostly using org-mode for my writing I
evaluated if it was feasible to convert the Sphinx project to org-mode.
But as I found no good solution for indexing in org-mode I didn't
converted it to org-mode.

I found two mentions about indexing in the manual: Texinfo indexing and
indexing in publishing via :makeindex. Both don't work in my exports.

I am using GNU Emacs 28.2 with straight using the newest packages.
I am exporting either with ox-context or org-pandoc to ConTeXt. 

I managed to use Texinfo indexing in ox-context some months ago, but now
it doesn't work anymore. Maybe I forgot the configuration or an upgrade
broke it. I remember that I had to use a feature-branch to make it work
at all. 

For some time now ox-context seems to be completely broken for me as it
does not export the main text. The consequence is that I work with
org-pandoc to create context pdfs from my org-mode files.

So I have a couple of problems with org-mode and context, but the main
problem is indexing.

Does anyone know of a new approach to indexing in org-mode?


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