"Thomas S. Dye" <tsd@tsdye.online> writes:

> IIRC, there wasn't much discussion.   The current situation 
> doesn't seem ripe for documentation in the manual.
> Here are some potential hurdles:
>  - there are likely too many built-in backends;
> ...
> One way forward might distinguish between babel backends for GNU 
> software and babel backends for non-GNU software, with the former 
> built in, guaranteed to be consistent to some standard (which 
> needs to be formulated), and documented in the manual and the 
> latter moved to contrib or a package archive, with documentation 
> (if any) on Worg.

We have recently reduced the number of built-in backends:
Presumably, all that's left is useful is worth maintaining upstream.

>  - the built-in backends are a mixed bag--ob-lua seems 
>  half-finished to me, though I don't program in lua and struggled 
>  to set up the language to write the documentation stub on Worg;

AFAIK, most people assume that built-in backends are stable.
If they are not, it is a bug anyway. Or we should declare that we do not
maintain them.

>  - nearly a dozen of the built-in babel backends lack 
>  documentation outside the source code (see 
>  https://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/babel/languages/index.html#orgbc466c5); 
>  and

>  - language support is inconsistent (see 
>  https://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/babel/languages/lang-compat.html), 
>  which introduces complications for language agnostic literate 
>  programming.

That's what we should work on.

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode contributor,
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