
On 13 Jul 2023, Ihor Radchenko wrote:

Jonathan Gregory <j...@autistici.org> writes:

Can you check if adding:

\version "2.24.1"
#(ly:set-option 'use-paper-size-for-page #f)
#(ly:set-option 'tall-page-formats 'pdf)

to the version-and-paper block fixes the issue.

Yes, except that I have lilypond 2.24.0, which failed until I changed the version to fit my lilypond version.

Do you happen to know the minimal required version needed for your change to work? And do we need that \version line at all?

I'd keep the version in sync with the stable release, but I guess that's up to the maintainer. The documentation says that "Every LilyPond file should contain a version statement":

The version statement is important for at least two reasons. First, it allows automatic updating of the input file as LilyPond syntax changes. Second, it describes the version of LilyPond needed to compile the file.

If the version statement is omitted from an input file, LilyPond prints a warning during the compilation of the file.

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