El lun, jul 13 2009 a les 23:23, Scot Becker va escriure:
> Does anyone have a recipe for easy org-style folding of an elisp file?
>  I'd like to divide my .emacs into segments to make it easier to
> oversee and navigate.

I did this without needing to change variables or define new functions. Just 
add at the first line:

; -*- mode: emacs-lisp; mode:outline-minor; outline-regexp:";;;;* [^    \n]" -*-

(Reopen the file to activate that).

And then start headings with ;;; (that's level 1), for instance: 

;;; a
; something else
;;;; a.1
; bla
;; this is still a normal comment

;;; b

Cycle with C-tab, C-S-tab, …

-- Daniel

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