Jack Kamm <jackk...@gmail.com> writes:

> In fact, :results file also works this way for other Babel languages.
> And I used this behavior before for plotting with ob-reticulate blocks.
> I attach a patch to fix the documentation in the manual about this.

Your patch appear to only add more confusion, IMHO.

I feel that the description about :results file is confusing from the
very beginning:

        Interpret as a filename.  Save the results of execution of the code
        block to that file, then insert a link to it.  You can control both
        the filename and the description associated to the link.

:results file may currently imply three things:

1. Results of evaluation are the _contents_ of a file
2. Results of evaluation are the path to a file
3. Results of evaluation are discarded and Org just inserts a constant
   link, derived from header arguments.

(3) is used for :results file graphics/:results file link
(2) is used when Org is unable to deduce the file name from
(1) is used when the file name can be deduced from src block params    

> As an aside: I would like ":results graphics" to partially revert its
> old behavior before Org 9.3.  Prior to then, ob-R could generate a plot
> with
> :results graphics :file filename.png
> but since commit 26ed66b23, we require the more verbose
> :results graphics file :file filename.png
> which seems unnecessarily verbose (since ":results graphics" doesn't do
> anything without ":results file"), and also annoyingly broke many of my
> Org documents before 2020.  I think it would be better if ":results
> graphics" was equivalent to ":results graphics file", and may propose a
> patch for this in future.

Sounds reasonable.

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode contributor,
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