On 07/06/2023 19:56, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
Max Nikulin <maniku...@gmail.com> writes:
It seems https://orgmode.org/worg/org-faq.html#mailto-links requires an
update for Emacs-28 (besides a typo with "~" instead of "-").
May you elaborate? (Or, better, send a patch)
The typo in https://orgmode.org/worg/org-faq.html#mailto-links
Looking at
Allow for custom URL handlers in browse-url.
(included into Emacs-28)
+(defun browse-url--mailto (url &rest args)
+ "Calls `browse-url-mailto-function' with URL and ARGS."
+ (funcall browse-url-mailto-function url args))
I decided that it is consistent with
nil("mailto:sran...@gmail.com" (nil))
browse-url--mailto("mailto:sran...@gmail.com" nil)
when `browse-url-mailto-function' is set to nil. However docstring to
this variable allows nil (perhaps there is really an Emacs bug). Now I
am puzzled why setting `browse-url-mailto-function' to
`browse-url-default-browser' does not help. I have no idea what should
be suggested to users instead of nil.