Hi! I'm working on a parser for org and I noticed something about nested markup in the syntax spec: markup starting at the limit of another object seems like it shouldn't be interpreted as markup. The spec says that the precondition characters are:
PRE MARKER ... PRE Either a whitespace character, -, (, {, ', ", or the beginning of a line. https://orgmode.org/worg/dev/org-syntax-edited.html#Emphasis_Markers With links, since `[` isn't in that list, the spec seems to imply the following wouldn't contain an italic block, but it does: [[https://example.com][/according to the spec, this shouldn't be marked up/]] same goes for */abc/* (since `*` isn't in the set defined by PRE) I understand why it works like this since it's pretty convenient, but I feel like the details about this interaction should probably be clarified since it's not quite obvious from the spec (unless I missed something!). Also, how are these objects intended to be handled? I couldn't pinpoint where in `org-element` this is approached.