Ihor Radchenko <yanta...@posteo.net> writes:

> "Christopher M. Miles" <numbch...@gmail.com> writes:
>>>> But I failed to execute mpv command:
>>>> #+begin_src org
>>>> Test src_sh{mpv "枕刀歌/《枕刀歌》SE05 江海阔 歌谣哼唱.mp4"}
>>>> #+end_src
>>> May you elaborate what you mean by "failed"?
>> The "failed" means the MPV video player window does not show up, no video, 
>> no audio.
> Interesting. I tried harder to reproduce following your steps.
> Now, I used a video file with CJK name:
> * 《枕刀歌》
> :DATE:     [2021-05-13 Thu 20:09]
> :Douban:   https://movie.douban.com/subject/35350794/
> :DIR:      鸟瞰古
> :EVAL:     src_sh{mpv "鸟瞰古/【人文纪录片】鸟瞰古代中国.Ancient.China.from.Above P1 
> 鸟瞰古代中国.Ancient.China.from.Above.S01....flv"}
> :END:
> And I can reproduce - mpv windows shows up, but no video and no sound.
> Then, I tried to open the same video in usual way... and still no sound
> - until I press "m" to unmute.
> So, it looks to me like mpv is somehow trying to interpret "echo" commands the
> ob-shell is sending after "mpv ...." is executed:
> ob_comint_async_shell_start_d1cc7563-be0c-4ed0-a4c2-d1b545333983
> org_babel_sh_prompt> =[input] No key binding found for key 'c'.
> ...
> [input] No key binding found for key '''.
> [input] No key binding found for key 'b'.
> ...
> [input] No key binding found for key '''.
> These "No key binding found statements" a likely from "echo" commands
> attempted to be sent to the terminal.

Do you think this issue is from Emacs shell part or mpv part?


[ stardiviner ]
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