as i am not adept at vetting strange code, i would prefer recommended
or otherwise vetted extensions --- or even better, floss cli tools

On 3/13/23, Samuel Wales <> wrote:
> what is a recommended/supported copy all urls extension that will
> support org link syntax at least imperfectly?
> context:
> ime, firefox, and specifically its list of tabs, is
> a perpetual set of roadblocks for me, what with, in my case:
> 1) unreliability of session restore,
> 2) lack of command line interfaces to firefox
>    - can't just get a list of titles/urls from a running or
>      non-running firefox
>    - can't get a modern org link syntax or even any
> 3) much too many tabs, no ability to organize due to
>    cognitive issues, org might help a bit, or itself get complex
> 4) not-quite-there but interesting extensions
>    1) tabfs being innovative and promising but seemingly proof
>       of concept-ish and for me too much effort to get going,
>    2) spookfox being org and promising but seemingly alpha-ish
>       and also possibly too much effort for me to get going,
>    3) onetab not unloading tabs so you can't just load them all
>       - seemingly once you go onetab you can't go back to
>         your ginormous list of tabs, so it is a
>         one-direction trip
>    4) can't find a good copy all urls in the org context
> 5) strange things you have to do to work around the
>    problem of unreliability of session restore whether
>    running or not running
> 6) fear that a webmail might not like me if i restore
> 7) basic needs like duplicate removal
> 8) bookmarks not really a solution for me,
> 9) impedance matching all over the place,
> 10) new stuff to have to learn just to be defensive
> ime, ymmv, disclaimers, politeness.
> --
> The Kafka Pandemic
> A blog about science, health, human rights, and misopathy:

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