
I have 

The following setting in my custom file

      ("misc" . "${author}, /${title}/ *${howpublished}* ${url} (${year}).")
      ("article" . "${author}, /${title}/, ${journal}, *${volume}(${number})*, 
${pages} (${year}). ${doi}")
      ("inproceedings" . "${author}, /${title}/, In ${editor}, ${booktitle} 
(pp. ${pages}) (${year}). ${address}: ${publisher}.")
      ("book" . "${author}, /${title}/ (${year}), ${ISBN}, (pp. ${pages}) 
${address}: ${publisher}.")

However when I want to export a book reference to HTML, the ISBN field
is not inserted.

Any idea what is wrong?


Uwe Brauer 

Warning: Content may be disturbing to some audiences
I strongly condemn Putin's war of aggression against the Ukraine.
I support to deliver weapons to Ukraine's military. 
I support the ban of Russia from SWIFT.
I support the EU membership of the Ukraine. 

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