Fraga, Eric writes on Fri 24 Feb 2023 08:06:
 > On Thursday, 23 Feb 2023 at 16:25, Rob Sargent wrote:
 > > Looks to me like this only happens if the last word of the line is
 > > "emphasized" and larger font.
 > This is not an org problem; it's LaTeX.  It's happening because LaTeX
 > has a problem breaking up the line at the previous word.  You can help
 > LaTeX by adding the line
 > \sloppy
 > just before the paragraph in question.

Perhaps another (less sloppy :-) way:

The Org's _=MappingInstruction=_ is exported as
\uline{\texttt{MappingInstruction}} in the .tex file.

If one replaces this by \ul{\texttt{MappingInstruction}} and one uses
\usepackage{soul}, then MappingInstruction is correctly hyphenated.

So in the org file, one can use

Now, is there a way to tell Org to export _=MappingInstruction=_ as

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