On Jul 6, 2009, at 3:57 PM, henry atting wrote:
On Mo, Jul 06 2009, henry atting wrote:
On Mo, Jul 06 2009, Carsten Dominik wrote:
On Jul 6, 2009, at 1:10 PM, henry atting wrote:
On Mo, Jul 06 2009, henry atting wrote:
Mmh, what option do I have to use if I want to display the
timestamp in
a headline when exporting to html?
Sorry, wrong question. What I really want to know is how to display
timestamp in the *table of contents*. ;)
Hmmm, lets try to guess what the variable name might be.....
something starting with "org-"
something containing "stamp"
something containing "toc"
M-x apropos-variable RET org.*stamp.*toc.* RET
Great, a riddle. And I solved it right away. Must be in good form, so
I'll go to the races as soon as possible.
I am afraid this is going to be my wonderfull
In my feeling of elation of having solved the riddle I forgot to
that I am looking for a per-file solution, something that can be done
with #+OPTIONS: ...
OK, there really has to be an end of what we add to the OPTIONS line
abbreviations for all kinds of things.
Get the latest git version, and then use
#+BIND: org-export-remove-timestamps-from-toc t
This is a general mechanism that will work for any variable that should
be bound to a special value during export, and that is not already
covered by the #+OPTIONS or a similar line.
- Carsten
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