On 17/01/2023 01:37, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
Some formats may be confusing for users, e.g. TZ=GMT+5 actually means
-0500 offset.
Let's just recommend +-XXXX and @location in the manual. And mention
briefly that TZ format is supported in addition.
We might also provide an optional linter for GMT, if necessary.
"GMT" in this example is an arbitrary string. It adds some complications
to the linter.
Notice that in POSIX "GMT+5" is *definition* of timezone with "GMT"
abbreviation and shifted by 5 hours to the west. It is not a *reference*
to IANA (Olson) Etc/GMT+5. I do not remember concerning "GMT", but Qt
allows to use something like "UTC+5" (east like IANA, not west like
POSIX). I am unsure concerning Windows, it may have an option of quite
similar variant. That is why I am not sure to which degree Org should be
liberal in respect to various time zones.