* Ihor Radchenko <yanta...@posteo.net> [2023-01-16 14:21]:
> In another message, I also mentioned an idea of specifying time zone
> globally or per file. Other suggestion was per-heading specification. In
> addition to time zone being specified directly inside the timestamp.

Of course that is solution. iCalendar export already supports time
zones. It was logical to author or maybe requirement of iCalendar.

And then comes the calculation, there must be way to re-calculate
representation of timestamps:

When there is global variable for Org file about time zone, then:

- every timestamp with time zone, shall be left intact or
re-calculated to diffrent local time zone. Imagine person giving Org
file from Russia to somebody in Florida, or travelling there. That
user or recipient would like to see the actual time, which is time for
him in Florida, but in its representation different from time in

- ever timestamp with settings in heading, shall be calculated as

It means there shall be functions which can convert timestamps to the
new time zone, with the option to left unchanged those timestamps who
already have time zone specified, and with option not to be converted.


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