Greg Minshall <> writes:

> Ypo,
>> Do you think that if I install a Linux OS, Orgmode would run fast? Any
>> OS suggestion?
> it might (*).  if it's not too hard to install linux (i have no idea), you
> might figure out some sort of benchmark for your org experience, then
> try switching, see what happens.  (there are a lot of variables.)
> good luck.  Greg
> (*) as a linux enthusiast, and a knee-jerk windows-denier, i want to
> *believe* it will; that mostly unfounded belief will be of little help
> to you, though.

I'm in a similar boat, Linux enthusiast, but you're at a point of
frustration where reinstalling an OS is an option then unless you're
looking for an execuse to install Linux you might start by reinstalling

If a fresh copy of Windows with years(?) of cruft removed still isn't
suitable then you might do as Greg suggests and try Linux to see if you
prefer that experience. 

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