Matt <> writes:

>  > > +;; TODO refactor into macro.  Currently violates (elisp) Coding
>  > > +;; Conventions and is hard to debug.
>  > >  (defun org-babel-shell-initialize ()
>  > >    "Define execution functions associated to shell names.
>  > 
>  > Could you please elaborate? Which particular convention does it violate?
>  > What is hard to debug?
> (elisp) Coding Conventions says,
> "• Constructs that define a function or variable should be macros, not
>      functions, and their names should start with ‘define-’.  The macro
>      should receive the name to be defined as the first argument.  That
>      will help various tools find the definition automatically.  Avoid
>      constructing the names in the macro itself, since that would
>      confuse these tools."
> The `org-babel-shell-initialize' function defines *all* the 
> `org-babel-execute:XXX' functions given by `org-babel-shell-names' (sh, bash, 
> zsh, etc.).

I agree that `org-babel-shell-initialize' could use a better name.

As for being a macro, there will be not much gain - the convention is
mostly designed for things like `cl-defun' aimed to be used in the code.
`org-babel-shell-initialize' is only used by `org-babel-shell-names'.

I do not have objections if it were a macro though. (But I do not see
how it would help debugging).

> Because `org-babel-shell-initialize' is a function factory, you can't easily 
> examine or modify their definitions.  `C-h f org-babel-execute:sh' jumps to 
> the top of lisp/ob-shell.el.  Changing the definition requires reevaluating 
> the definition for all the execute functions (or first changing 
> `org-babel-shell-names').

This is indeed a downside. Any better ideas?
ob-core dictates that we must have org-babel-execute:lang functions to
make things work.

> This was a problem for me when I wanted to make the session name string for 
> `test-ob-shell/session' the test name (mentioned above).  In the test, when I 
> replaced the session name string with a variable containing the string, 
> `org-babel-execute:sh' failed with a type error.  I couldn't get the variable 
> to evaluate (with backquote and comma or otherwise).  Without an explicit 
> function definition or a macro to expand, I found it hard to debug/experiment 
> with (and so left the test name as a hard coded string).

Could you please explain a bit more about the problem? I do not see how
macro would help in this situation.

> I probably don't need it and am happy to remove it.    An older version of 
> the function was more complex and made sense as a separate function (or so I 
> thought).  My aim was to make the test strings easy to read so that it's 
> clearer what's being tested (i.e. not write multi-line strings on a single 
> line).  I could use concat and add "\n" to the end of each line.  Or, simply 
> write out the string-join.  Maybe there's another way to write multi-line 
> strings that I'm not aware of in Elisp, maybe something like Python's 
> triple-quote?

We write multi-line docstrings all the time without extra macros. I
recommend using paredit or similar packages to auto-escape things that
need to be escaped.

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode contributor,
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