On 21 December 2022, Ihor Radchenko wrote:

Could be. If so, it may indicate some issue with logic. The index should
not be written if the only entry inside index file is index version

You should _not_ see something like

 ((index "2.7"))
 :persist-file "d0/5078fe-5e31-4ddb-95a0-93ceae58df0c" :associated nil :expiry never 
:last-access 1671637032.483552 :last-access-hr "2022-12-21T18:37:12+0300"))

as the only contents of "index" file.

I just checked my /tmp/ and I have 32 org-persist directories, and I must sadly report they all have index files like I shouldn't see:

   ((index "2.7"))
   :persist-file "2f/859289-dcc1-4d55-8c91-e22b4ccc92dd" :associated nil :expiry never 
:last-access 1671429856.980864 :last-access-hr  "2022-12-19T01:04:16-0500"))

Nineteen of them were made on Monday ago, and I may have rebuilt Emacs and Org then, and maybe restarted Emacs, but not nineteen times.


William Denton
Librarian, artist and licensed private investigator.
Toronto, Canada

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