Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen <> writes:

> When I evaluate erroneous code of an Elisp code block like
> #+BEGIN_SRC elisp
> (x)
> I see the error message ("Symbol's function definition is void: x") in
> the minibuffer (and in the *Messages* buffer).
> This is not the case with Scheme code blocks; evaluating the code block
> #+BEGIN_SRC scheme
> (x)
> just gives "Code block evaluation complete (took 0.2s)." in the
> minibuffer (and in the *Messages* buffer).
> Is this a known error? Or is there a way to enable error messages?

ob-scheme.el relies on geiser library to handle code execution.
I do not know if it is possible to retrieve error messages using geiser
functions. You may check out `org-babel-scheme-execute-with-geiser' and
see if something can be done.

Note that we currently have no maintainer for ob-scheme and hence can
only provide very limited support. New features are hard for us without
experience with scheme and geiser.

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode contributor,
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