Org version is 9.5.2; emacs version is 27.1.

The manual does not indicate that underscores need to be escaped in
links (and they can't be, as far as I can tell). The latex and html
exporters interpret them as the start of a subscript.


#+AUTHOR: Leo Butler
#+TITLE: Bug in processing underscores in links
#+OPTIONS: toc:nil num:nil

* Description

The link =[[][ex_ample]]= is expected to export
to =\href{}{ex_ample}= but instead, we get
[[][ex_ample]] exports to (in latex): =\href{mailto:ex\}{ex\textsubscript{ample}}=

Note that a similar issue is seen with the HTML export.

* Reproduction

Export this file: =C-c C-e l p=.

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