On Wed, Dec 14, 2022, at 22:51, Kaushal Modi wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 14, 2022, 4:44 PM Johan Bolmsjö <org-m...@johan.bitmaster.se> 
> wrote:
>> The caption "Caption 1" is not exported by ox-html in the following
>> source block.
>> #+caption: Caption 1
>> #+begin_src
>> foo bar baz
>> #+end_src
> The begin_src block always requires a "language" as far as I know. If you 
> don't want to specify a language, you can use #+begin_example instead. 
> You can even do "#+begin_src text".
> It's a different issue as to why you are seeing a different behavior between 
> the two exporters. 

Okay, the manual confirms that the language is mandatory.

"#+begin_src text" exports the caption with both ox-html and ox-ascii.
"#+begin_example" export the caption with neither ox-html nor ox-ascii.

So the only discrepancy is how the two exporters handles this non-conforming 
source block.

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