Greg Minshall <> writes:
[1] 1
[1] 2
[1] 3
[1] 1 2 3
(where =c= is the "concatenation operator".)
so, to me, at least, "proper list" is not a well-defined term in
cheers, Greg
=c= is "a generic function which combines its arguments" according
to the R documentation. It could do different things depending on
the input.
=list()= will create an actual R list which are "Generic Vectors"
according to the R documentation. Each element of a list can be
any other R data structure including other lists, expressions and
"Proper list" in the context of this discussion and pertaining to
R would be a =list()=, not a vector which is what is usually
returned by =c()=. A =data.frame()= is a special case of a
=list()= where every column has to have the same length.
Johan Tolö