Ihor Radchenko <yanta...@posteo.net> writes:
Greg Minshall <minsh...@umich.edu> writes:
The time span is years and I do not recall any related bug
So, nobody seems to care.
I do pass org plain lists to R source code blocks which is why I
found the current issue. It is easy enough for me to adapt my R
code whenever there is a change in the way it is handled. It is
unfortunate that it will no longer be possible to access any
nested elements of plain lists but it does not affect me because I
was not using that feature.
I think that the output from R source code blocks should be as
close to the example in the org manual as possible. I also think
that the handling within ob-R.el should be as simple as possible.
I do not mind if that means that I have to convert a data.frame
from columns to rows.
For anyone wondering, you can simply unlist() a data.frame to get
a vector of the columns.
Johan Tolö