David Masterson <dsmaster...@gmail.com> writes:

> David Masterson <dsmaster...@gmail.com> writes:
>> Ihor Radchenko <yanta...@posteo.net> writes:
>>> David Masterson <dsmaster...@gmail.com> writes:
>>>> Is there a proper way to do this?  Do I really have to delete the
>>>> built-in 9.3 version (by hand or package-delete?) or will that mess up
>>>> something else?  I saw mention of 'unload-feature' which is new to me --
>>>> would that be safe to use?
>>> In theory, Emacs should handle such updates even when built-in Org is
>>> loaded. See https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi/bugreport.cgi?bug=59882
>> I'm going to test if (in my case) the buit-in 9.3 is already loaded when
>> my .emacs runs,  I also have to see when 9.6 loads in my .emacs.
>>> unload-feature is the last resort. We are still discussing the available
>>> options in https://orgmode.org/list/87k033h218.fsf@localhost.
>> I have to play with the solution I suggested.  I'm beginning to wonder
>> if it will cause other problems with (seeming) Org dependent packages.
>> In my case, the error I get is from various use-package calls --
>> something like "Error: org-assert-version is not known".  This is
>> confusing because I've arranged my .emacs as (almost) an alphabetical
>> loading of the packages and some of the use-package errors are coming
>> from packages loaded before Org.  IOW, org-assert-version from 9.6
>> shouldn't be loaded yet and 9.3 doesn't have org-assert-version. So
>> what's referring to org-assert-version?
> I went so far as to add the following to early-init.el:
> (if (featurep 'org) (load-feature 'org))

typo -- unload-feature

> (add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/org-9.6")
> (load-library "org")
> The load-library still fails with the org-assert-version error.
> Could it be that, when you package-install Org-9.6, it runs through a
> check where (I think) it compiles the package?  I get a lot of warnings
> and 34(?) failed files.  Could it be that some of the files are not
> built and, so, when I load-library, I'm picking up some of the wrong
> files from the built-in Org-9.3?  Do we need to remove all versions of
> Org that is not the current version from the load-path at the very
> beginning of org.el to ensure no fall-through?  Kind of a hack, but...

David Masterson

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