* Jan Ulrich Hasecke <j...@mailbox.org> [2022-11-12 21:09]:
> Dear all,
> I am doing my first steps to do some database publishing with org-babel
> and sqlite. So far quite successful, but I am still very new to this, so
> I would appreciate if you can recommend a tutorial on this. I am mostly
> interested in publishing use cases. Has anybody wrote a book or a report
> with org-mode, org-babel and sqlite? What options I have to format the
> output so that I can export it to pdf via pandoc and context?

Let me say from my experience of 20+ years of publishing and using

- use PostgreSQL and its rich features, forget SQLite. Single user
  single computer database is good for you personally, but modifying
  tables and developing new features is far harder with SQLite.

- Separate lightweight markup language LWM from publishing objects
  table. Make the publishing available for any kind of LWM!

- For now I use following "Markup Types" in my `markuptypes' table:

 1          Default (Text)
 2          Markdown (Discount Markdown)
 3          Markdown (Pandoc, espresso)
 4          Asciidoc
 5          Asciidoctor
 6          Markdown (Discount) with Table of Content
 7          HTML
 8          Kotl
 9          Org
 10         Org Heading
 11         Org Standalone
 12         reStructuredText
 13         txt2tags
 14         Enriched
 15         PDF
 16         Text with lines joined
 17         Org with Markdown TOC
 18         PostgreSQL

My publishing object references foreign table of markuptypes. That way
it becomes known what LWM is used for the text of publishing object. 

Then I use extra table `markupconversions':
│             Column             │            Type             │ Collation │ 
Nullable │                             Default                             │
│ markupconversions_id           │ integer                     │           │ 
not null │ nextval('markupconversions_markupconversions_id_seq'::regclass) │
│ markupconversions_datecreated  │ timestamp without time zone │           │ 
not null │ CURRENT_TIMESTAMP                                               │
│ markupconversions_datemodified │ timestamp without time zone │           │    
      │                                                                 │
│ markupconversions_usercreated  │ text                        │           │ 
not null │ CURRENT_USER                                                    │
│ markupconversions_usermodified │ text                        │           │ 
not null │ CURRENT_USER                                                    │
│ markupconversions_name         │ text                        │           │ 
not null │                                                                 │
│ markupconversions_markupinput  │ integer                     │           │ 
not null │                                                                 │
│ markupconversions_markupoutput │ integer                     │           │ 
not null │                                                                 │
│ markupconversions_emacslisp    │ text                        │           │ 
not null │                                                                 │
│ markupconversions_description  │ text                        │           │    
      │                                                                 │
│ markupconversions_templates    │ integer                     │           │    
      │                                                                 │
│ markupconversions_command      │ text                        │           │    
      │                                                                 │

That one says how to convert between input markup and output
markup. The conversion Lisp snippet I keep in the database
`markupconversions_emacslisp' as that way no need to change the
source, it remains user's option.

Each publishing object references the web `area`foreign table, meaning
domain. Each `area' references one main template, but each object can
reference separate template. And markup conversion may need separate
template before everything is expanded in the object's or area's

Now we come back to question:

> What options I have to format the output so that I can export it to
> pdf via pandoc and context?

Maybe the above described design pattern may help you figure out how
to solve your problem.

- You can reference publishing objects to foreign table `website`, in
  my case it is `area', which means specific domain; 

- Specific domain can tell how to use default conversion from which
  markup to which markup, how to publish by default. For example you
  want by default Org to Markdown to Pandoc output?

- Each publishing object, like page, can have its separate reference
  to markup conversion. Maybe you want Org to Asciidoctor? Reference
  it from publishing object. If reference is NIL, use the default
  website's conversion.

- Define for each markup type, like ConTeXt how to export it to HTML,
  PDF, etc.

- Use markup conversion table to tell how to convert ConTeXt to PDF,
  or to HTML or to what?

- Make additional table to add additional publishing commands, as
  single page such as one with Org markup, may end up published as
  Org, as HTML and as PDF.


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