Leo Butler <leo.but...@umanitoba.ca> writes:

> In worg's documentation of ob-maxima.el[fn:1], there are several bugs.

Thanks for reporting!

> 1. In the subsection `Inline Display of Maxima LaTeX Output', the
> results are missing.

It is because source block evaluation is disabled on server side when
generating WORG website from org sources.

You basically need to evaluate the code block manually to have it
present in the original file without a need to evaluate during export.

I do not have maxima on my system. It would be welcome if you evaluate
the code blocks with missing results manually and submit a patch with.

> ... This is because the code block is named
> `solve-maxima', the same as in the section `Solver'. Export results in
> that output being put in the `Solver' section (I don't know if that
> should be considered a bug in Org).

No, the source block in the Solver section is different. It just has
the same name. Name duplicate should be fixed indeed.

> 2. In `3D Plots', the header arguments do not result in a link to a
> generated file being created on evaluation of the code block. I am
> unsure if this is a bug in Org, ob-maxima.el or ob-doc-maxima.org or
> what.
> On reading the description of the =:results graphics=
> header[fn:2], it looks like there is blame to go around.

Makes sense. Can you please report this inconsistency in more details in
a separate email? It looks like something is not right with ob-maxima
code in the treatment of :results graphics.

> @@ -145,7 +151,7 @@ This example is from 
> [[http://maxima.sourceforge.net/maxima-gnuplot.html][a tuto
>  ,#+name: 3d-maxima
>  ,#+header: :file images/maxima-3d.png
>  ,#+header: :exports results
> -,#+header: :results graphics
> +,#+header: :results graphics file

Using graphics together with file does not make sense.
We should probably fix ob-maxima with :results file first.
Ideally, the code here should be simply
,#+header: :results file

>  #+begin_example
> -,#+NAME: solve-maxima
> -,#+HEADER: :exports none
> -,#+BEGIN_SRC maxima :results raw
> +,#+NAME: tex-maxima
> +,#+HEADER: :exports results
> +,#+BEGIN_SRC maxima :results latex

This will break WORG page. We are exporting to HTML, not latex and the
results wrapped into #+begin_export latex will not be exported to the
website. What's wrong with raw?

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode contributor,
Learn more about Org mode at <https://orgmode.org/>.
Support Org development at <https://liberapay.com/org-mode>,
or support my work at <https://liberapay.com/yantar92>

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