Hi, here is a bug, a test case, and a poss workaround if the bug is not fixable.


* bug: cycling a headline with body reveals too much of children
* it only occurs with org-cycle-include-plain-lists set to t
* to reproduce, try cycling the following
*** regular -- this works
***** one
******* one one
***** two
***** three
*** text -- this works
***** one
******* one one
***** two
***** three
*** WAIT logbook -- bug
- State "WAIT"       from ""           [2009-06-26 Fri 15:46]
***** one
******* one one
***** two
***** three
*** tree -- bug
  - test
    - test
      - test
    - test
    - test
      - test
***** one
******* one one
***** two
***** three
* poss workaround for if there is no fix
*** that variable could control cycling only when point is on list items

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