ELECTRUM BIKES <m...@electrum-bikes.pl> writes:

> Hi. Tables created in org-mode by inserting manually | works fine, but
> if I use table-insert I can't manipulate table, I get "use C-c `"
> notification in minibuffer when I click <tab> to move to next cell.

"C-c '", not C-c `.

> If I click C-c `, I get "not a table" response. In such tables I can
> only insert text but not use shortcuts and they're generally broken. I
> tried it on emacs -q and it looks it's not my configuration fault,
> same behavior.

Please provide more details on what you have tried.

I tried

    |              |      |                                |
    |              |      |                                |
    |              |      |Text editing inside the table   |
    |              |      |cell produces reasonably        |
    |              |      |expected results.-!-            |
    |              |      |                                |
    |              |      |                                |

with point at the top left cell, after C-c ', I can <TAB> across cells
in the edit buffer.

> Also, there seems to be problem with handling top and bottom borders,
> if I insert
> (for example, 3 column table) +-+-+ at the top or bottom of a working table,
> it breaks to exactly same state as command-inserted tables, so probably
> top and bottom border handling breaks tables (command created tables
> does have this borders).

Sorry, I do not understand what you are referring two. Detailed steps
explaining what text you inserted and what key bindings you pressed
would help a lot.

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode contributor,
Learn more about Org mode at <https://orgmode.org/>.
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