At Thu, 25 Jun 2009 15:58:11 +0200,
Peter Frings wrote:
> On 25 Jun 2009, at 15:19, Bastien wrote:
> > Carsten Dominik <> writes:
> > Bulk action
> >> ===========
> [snip]
> > I'm a bit disoriented with the new keybinding for `s' -- I got used
> > to it the same way I'm used to `C-x C-s'.
> Same here. It'll take some time to adopt. But...

Funny thing is that I had *finally* got to the point of remembering to
use 's' instead of C-xs!

> > I propose to use [dmuUx] the same way in Org.  We could move the
> > daily,
> > weekly, monthly view to respectively D,W,M.

I would prefer to leave d, w and m as they are; after all, an agenda
view is about days, weeks, months, ...  and so the time based actions
seem most appropriate as simple keys.

> Having said all that, I'll take whatever bindings org-mode ships with;
> you can always change them :-)

Yes, of course!  So, in that context, you can all ignore my comment
above.   However, for newbies, I would argue that the day/week/month
views are more likely to be understood and used than bulk commands, at
least until they cease to be newbies?

Just my 2 cents (euro or dollar) worth.

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