> Samuel, have you managed to fix org-protocol setup? From other messages I am 
> almost sure that the issue is not with the firefox add-on.

thank you.  i think i fixed that outside firefox now and org-capture
works.  i am still trying to get through all the ideas and information
and my drafts of replies and so on and will not be able to for a
while.  i greatly appreciate all the help.

org-capture [and maybe anything similar like spookfox [am i ever on
tenterhooks until that thing becomes more stable as it oloks really
good iirc] and org-protocol extensions and others] is a big deal in my
case in firefox because i only need to select and click unicorn, and
do not need to use keyboard or paste or manage windows.

> Anyway in this thread people suggested to use `org-capture' directly, so it 
> may be a workaround for a while
>    emacsclient --eval '(org-capture nil "c")'

this seems useful for non-firefox or if org-capture or mime break.
one error in my summary post: i meant url and title as normal with
org-capture in firefox not just url.  but everybody figured that
possibility out from context.

the idea of being able to get url and title from outside firefox also
sounds great as a possibility for robustness.  if poss.

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