On 08/10/2022 15:58, Giuseppe Lipari wrote:
I would like to point out that the following link in the org-mode
on-line manual is broken :
can someone please fix/restore it ?
See the following thread:
Tim Landscheidt. Some links in online manual do not work. Sun, 02 Oct
2022 20:00:54 +0000.
Also : in recent versions of org-mode (I have the 9.5.3), it seems that
exporting figures in latex/beamer does not apply the ":float t" flag,
and does not center the figure. Can you please tell me the exporter
option that I have to set to enable floating figures ?
To get manual for your version you may try
M-: (info "(org) Images in LaTeX export")
For a while single-page variant of the manual is not affected by the problem