* Payas Relekar <relekarpa...@gmail.com> [2022-10-04 09:56]:
> Not Jean, but as someone using Org with Hyperbole, this is a great news!
> > We welcome brief summaries of features you need for effective note taking
> > in Emacs.  We are not looking to do much with images or on mobile devices,
> > just focused on people who spend a lot of time in Emacs and want an
> > easy-to-use notes system that does not require any external packages like
> > SQLite.
> For my 2c:
> - Multiple small files vs single large file.
>   I currently have former, with org-roam taking care of finding, linking
>   and backlinking between files, making it a non-issue to easily build a
>   network of connected topics/thoughts

Org-roam is yet another attempt to make relational database out of Org
text by using exlusive ID links. I can't know, I am just assuming that
it has to parse plethora of Org files and links inside to understand
what is linking to what. Old fashioned way wish to ignore the
existence of RDBMs.

Files have its location and user is supposed to move file in file
system, to think about it and decide where it is. I don't think it is
right so in 21st century. It is better to know very descriptive name
of file, but as user to forget where is file located.

On the ATM machine I want cash out and not to know where is cash
located. I just want to access it, and be able to access it from many

Only RDBMs are for that purpose.

> - Daily notes
>   Every day gets its own note, only generated if visited. This allows
>   dumping the thoughts at that moment rather than first hunting the
>   correct node. Then they can be easily filtered into actual topic note,
>   or just be referenced via backlinks buffer

That is very nice. That is how I sort screenshots and videos as well,
by date when they are made. 

If note is related to person, then system is to recognize it
automatically. Notes are related mostly to people: groups or lists of
people such as "Emacs Users" or "Org Users" or "ABC SLIME LTD" and
individual people, and people assigned to various tasks, and groups
assigned to tasks, and people supposed to get reports of it.

> - sqlite might just be better, considering overhead of opening and
>   parsing hundreds-thousands of small files is non-negligible.

Of course it is so much better option than keeping stuff in text. All
properties shall be in the database. SQLite is not a network database,
thus it disables collaboration. It is better developing with
PostgresSQL or MariaDB, or other network databases.

> - Refiling
>   Refile/move the subtree (in Org terms) can be easily moved to another
>   file and the links automatically point to new location. This means I
>   can always know rearranging stuff later is a possibility, and its less
>   cognitive burden to organize.

Once my files are stored in the meta system, I have no idea where they
are located. File name does not matter any more. Many files arrive
with strange file names. If file gets its meta name then its storage
and file name in file system may remain static forever, while separate
meta data can be changed. Meta data may tell that "ABC FILE" shall be
moved to "CAR REPAIR" while file name on file system does not move
ever. Moving files in file system is tedious. It requires operations
such as listing of directories, opening file manager, copying,
renaming, etc. Instead it is better to go straight to the thought. Do
you wnat file "ABC FILE" to be moved in the collection or header of
"CAR REPAIR?" Then choose "CAR REPAIR" by completion and let it go
there. File in the file system may remain immutable, only the meta
data of its position may change.


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