On 01/10/2022 11:08, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
Tim Cross writes:

I do not think that we need to add all the variety of Texinfo-specific
constructs to the Org specification. Instead, we should add generic
configurable syntax elements to Org. (The Texinfo-specific part will
come as a separate library, similar to ol-*.el)

In particular, I suggest to (1) extend the existing special block elements
with Elisp-configurable :export settings; (2) add special block
equivalent object.

While I do not mind to have flexible generic inline objects, I feel some doubts.

Export is already customizable through creation of derived backend. For links :export property is merely an alternative way supposed to be more convenient. In some sense it is a way to dispatch proper handler, a kind of virtual function table, etc. I see a couple of limitations with link export implementation.

1. Interface is rather different from the derived backend property. Instead of org-element object only selected properties (and backend communication channel is available).

2. Unsure if there is a robust way to extend implementation of the backend handler without replacing it completely. I mean a function that modifies or sets some attributes and delegate real export to the default handler.

Mentioned in this thread texinfo commands are not convincing reason for special blocks from my point of view. They are different flavors of verbatim (or code) object. If they are verbatim objects with some additional property then they may be just exported by a backend that is unaware of their kinds. It can be considered as graceful degradation. For special blocks export handlers must be implemented for each backend unless type hierarchy is someway declared.

Earlier we discussed assigning attributes for inline objects. While nesting is not involved, it may be a way to implement necessary texinfo commands as verbatim with class or type attribute. I am unsure if different types of special blocks is the best way to resolve nesting problem. Verbatim custom objects require different rules of parsing.

Actually I simplified things when wrote that a backend may be unaware of verbatim type. When nesting is involved it should be ready at least to nested verbatim object. E.g. markdown backend can not blindly wrap text into backticks, it has to check if parent element is not a verbatim snippet or a verbatim block.

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