i think my problem with exporting my latex files is that there may be
pieces of the old org-mode laying around..
i am currently on:
osx: 10.5.7
carbon emacs: GNU Emacs 22.3.1 (i386-apple-darwin9.6.0, Carbon Version
org-mode: 6.27a
upon install on carbon emacs, i had the following org-mode installed:
i did a make on the new version of org mode.. and everything seemed to
be okay.. BUT..
i couldn't find where the old org-mode was installed, so i couldn't
find it to delete all the parts..
another point of interest is that if i run emacs from the command
line, i get the following:
Org-mode version 4.67c
so there might be parts installed somewhere else, too..
anyone have any ideas where else to look?
sergio t. ruiz
network analyst
red red design
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