Hi, for what it may help...
my emacs version: GNU Emacs 29.0.50 (build 1, x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.24.20, cairo version 1.16.0) of 2022-09-12 Adding #+OPTIONS: toc:nil to your MWE I have this small file to export to latex: ``` (require 'org) (require 'ox-latex) (eval-after-load "org" (progn ;; Add KOMA script based books (add-to-list 'org-latex-classes '("letter" "\\documentclass{letter}")) (setq org-latex-pdf-process '("latexmk -bibtex -f %f") org-babel-python-command "python3"))) ``` And I use it as: ``` emacs -Q --batch test.org -l org-export.el -f org-latex-export-to-pdf ``` And I see no errors... Maybe you could try from here and start stripping things further from it to narrow the problem Hope it helps... /PedroAAranda -- Fragen sind nicht da um beantwortet zu werden, Fragen sind da um gestellt zu werden Georg Kreisler Headaches with a Juju log: unit-basic-16: 09:17:36 WARNING juju.worker.uniter.operation we should run a leader-deposed hook here, but we can't yet