Ihor Radchenko [2022-09-14 20:32:53] wrote:
> Stefan Monnier <monn...@iro.umontreal.ca> writes:
>> The patch below simply enables `lexical-binding` in all the test files.
>> As far as I can tell, it's all that's needed (beside a missing
>> `require`).
> Thanks, but the patch causes 23 tests to fail (running make test).

Oh, lord!

The fix is in preparation, but obviously I had tested my patch
incorrectly (i.e. I probably compiled and tested another code than the
one I had patched).

[ At least it explains why I was seeing this weird "it's all that's
  needed", which I always hope for but is so rarely true.  ]

> Also, is there any reason why it was a plain diff?

Lack of inspiration, mostly.


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