Jean Louis <> writes:

>> Could you please detail what you mean by does not align well?
>> Your table looks fine on my side.
> See attached frameshot.
> I can see that it aligns well in `emacs -Q'. However no matter what
> theme I tried in running Emacs I could not get it to align. Do you
> know by what does that alignment depends? Then I could maybe remove
> that dependency.

It looks like you have some kind of minor mode that changes the display
of non-breaking space.

You may consider using to
hunt down the cause.

>> I do not know how to set the cell alignment individually without
>> changing the whole column.
> Is there a way to insert total in the next table for the previous table?
> Then I could do something like this:
> |       Date | Description | Amount |
> |------------+-------------+--------|
> | 2022-08-14 | Something   |     10 |
> | 2022-08-14 | Someting    |     20 |
> |------------+-------------+--------|
> |------+-------+-------|
> | <10> | <r11> | <6>   |
> |      | TOTAL | XXXXX |
> |------+-------+-------|
> Then I could do some formula to place total from first table in the second 
> table where is XXX?

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Ihor Radchenko,
Org mode contributor,
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