Hello, Please find attached a patch to allow users to show the org file titles (i.e. the value of #+title) instead of the file name in the org-clock clocktable.
I created this patch as I am using a combination of org-roam and org-agenda to manage my tasks, where each project has its own org-roam file (and therefore, a #+title). For my work I also need to generate weekly time reports, with my todos spread over different org(-roam) files. I think the clocktable looks nicer with the org file title than the name generated by org-roam, which also has some other irrelevant information (for the clocktable) in it such as date and time created. I believe this feature could be useful for other users as well who have their tasks spread over multiple org-roam files like me. The feature can easily be used by adding ":filetitle t" as an option in the clocktable. Please note that the org-clock-get-file-prop function is heavily inspired by vulpea-buffer-prop-get from the vulpea package - I just copied it over and made some adjustments to make it work for the envisioned use case. As I am relatively new to emacs / elisp and this is my first patch submission ever, I am open to feedback on my patch or on how I did this submission in general. Special thanks to Ihor, who provided me with hints on how to solve this issue and inspired me to submit a patch (original post <https://www.reddit.com/r/orgmode/comments/wlz2yc/showing_org_document_title_in_orgclockreports/> ). Thanks, Duy
Description: Binary data