I can count checkboxes but not TODOS in columnview it seems. Here is an example #+begin_src * Everything :PROPERTIES: :COLUMNS: %TODO %ITEM %Nr %Comp1 %Comp2 :COMP1: [3/4] :COMP2: [3/4] :TODO: [ ] :END: ** DONE Books :PROPERTIES: :Nr: 1 :Comp1: [X] :Comp2: [X] :END: ** TODO Car :PROPERTIES: :Nr: 2 :Comp1: [X] :Comp2: [X] :END: ** DONE Food :PROPERTIES: :Nr: 3 :Comp1: [ ] :Comp2: [X] :END: ** WAIT Dr. Computer :PROPERTIES: :Nr: 4 :Comp1: [X] :Comp2: [ ] :END: #+BEGIN: columnview :maxlevel 2 :skip-empty-rows t :hlines 1 :indent nil :format "%5TODO(Status) %5Nr(Nr) %5Comp1(Comp1){X/} %5Comp2(Comp2){X/}" | Status | Nr | Comp1 | Comp2 | |--------+----+-------+-------| | | | [3/4] | [3/4] | | DONE | 1 | [X] | [X] | | TODO | 2 | [X] | [X] | | DONE | 3 | [ ] | [X] | | WAIT | 4 | [X] | [ ] | #+END: #+end_src Any suggestion? Regards Uwe Brauer -- I strongly condemn Putin's war of aggression against the Ukraine. I support to deliver weapons to Ukraine's military. I support the ban of Russia from SWIFT. I support the EU membership of the Ukraine.