Kenneth Stuart <> writes:

> Macro `org-encode-time` (lisp/org-macs.el +1395) does not get defined
> for emacs >= 27.1 as the top level if statement is missing its ELSE clause.

Are you sure?

> #+begin_src elisp
> (if (version< emacs-version "27.1")
>     (defmacro org-encode-time (&rest time)
>       (if (cdr time)
>           `(encode-time ,@time)
>         `(apply #'encode-time ,@time)))
>   (if (ignore-errors (with-no-warnings (encode-time '(0 0 0 1 1 1971))))
>       (defmacro org-encode-time (&rest time)
>         (pcase (length time) ; Emacs-29 since d75e2c12eb
>           (1 `(encode-time ,@time))
>           ((or 6 9) `(encode-time (list ,@time)))
>           (_ (error "`org-encode-time' may be called with 1, 6, or 9 
> arguments but %d given"
>                     (length time)))))
>     (defmacro org-encode-time (&rest time)
>       (pcase (length time)
>         (1 `(encode-time ,@time))
>         (6 `(encode-time (list ,@time nil -1 nil)))
>         (9 `(encode-time (list ,@time)))
>         (_ (error "`org-encode-time' may be called with 1, 6, or 9 arguments 
> but %d given"
>                   (length time)))))) //MISSING ELSE//)
> #+end_src

This is equivalent to

(if condition
 (defmacro ...)
 ;; else
 (if another-condition
  (defmacro ...)
  ;; else


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