Thanks for your reply. This problem is not very important. If I find a solution (I mean how including Mathjax in html emails) I will be back to report it on this list.
Thanks for org-mime, it is a very useful tool ! Best whises, Jo. --- Envoyé avec la messagerie sécurisée Proton Mail. ------- Original Message ------- Le samedi 9 juillet 2022 à 05:47, Ihor Radchenko <> a écrit : > Joseph Vidal-Rosset writes: > > > Is there a way to include Mathjax in html emails produced via M-x > > org-mime-htmlize ? > > > > I would be glad to find a solution to this (small) problem. > > > Note that org-mime is not a part of Org. It is hosted and developed at > > > Searching inside the org-mime repo, I can see > where a user complained > that MathJax simply cannnot be used inside emails and thus it has been > deliberately disabled my org-mime. > > Best, > Ihor