András Simonyi <> writes:

> I think that the problem with simply adding one or more new activation
> processors with different fontification for the "*" key is that Org
> has no way of knowing (at least for sure) which export processor will
> be used for a exporting a certain Org buffer, since it can depend on
> the chosen export backend (see the variable
> org-cite-export-processors). E.g., org-cite could be set up to use the
> "natbib" processor for "LaTeX" export and the "basic" processor for
> any other format.  I think that it'd be more in the spirit of the
> "basic" activation processor to be more permissive and not treat "*"
> as an error, similarly to citation styles not supported by the "basic"
> export processor but supported by others.
I do not agree.
If someone sets up natbib for latex export and basic for other formats,
"*" will not be correctly exported in those other formats (because basic
does not support @* syntax) - something fontification should better
highlight for the user.

Also, are there any similar non-key constructs in latex in addition to "*"?


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