Dear Giovanni,

excellent, many thanks!


is exactly what I was looking for.

(1) The release notes of 6.27 say:
> Macro processing for export has been enhanced: > > - You can use arguments in a macro, for example > #+macro hello Greet the $1: Hello $1 which is just what I had been hoping for! This important change has not yet made it into org.pdf of the 6.27a distribution. Obviously, this gives you maximum flexibility even for more complex documents and should get due emphasis in the documentation. (2) The next logical step is to collect a number of useful macros in one include file. However, when I use
#+INCLUDE: "./"
which contains the MACRO, the macro expansion does not work (if the same MACRO statements are part of the org-file where I use them, they work just fine), all other org content is included as expected. Is this is a bug?

Warm regards,

On 18.06.2009, at 12:14, Giovanni Ridolfi wrote:

--- Gio 18/6/09, Stefan Vollmar <> ha scritto:

For one project, I used several statements like this

#+HTML: <table><tr><td><img
src="./images/icon.png"/></td><td<code>something</code></td></tr></ table>

#+HTML: <table><tr><td><img

The result looks exactly the way we have planned it,
however, ideally one would want to write:


+ you can use  yasnippet

+ Or macros? manual, chapter 12.1 Markup rules

   Macro replacement

   You can define text snippets with

          #+MACRO: name   replacement text

   which can be referenced anywhere in the document (even in code
    examples) with `{{{name}}}'.

#+MACRO: my-mt-sth #+HTML: <table><tr><td><img> src="./images/ icon.png"/></td><td<code>something</code></td></tr></table>


Dr. Stefan Vollmar, Dipl.-Phys.
Max-Planck-Institut für neurologische Forschung
Gleuelerstr. 50, 50931 Köln, Germany
Tel.: +49-221-4726-213  FAX +49-221-4726-298
Tel.: +49-221-478-5713  Mobile: 0160-93874279

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