On 07/06/2022 10:33, Samuel Wales wrote:

the last par of your email makes it seem as if i should do a git
[interactive?] rebase operation from [top of] local on bugfix, even
though it is already rebasing on maint each upgrade.  would that be a
good description of what you meant?

The state of your local repository is unclear for me. Maybe
    git remove -v show
    git branch -r -v
will shed some light.

maint branch existed in the repository hosted at orgmode.org. During migration to savannah it was renamed to bugfix, so if earlier you rebased local branches onto maint as the release branch, you should use bugfix (from savannah) now.

Your "local" branch has "rebase" setting, I am unsure concerning its precise meaning. I usually do not set any remote for local branches and explicitly specify target commit every time I need to rebase them.

do i do git branch -m bugfix in my maint branch

This renames just your local branch but should not affect its association with remote (orgmode.org) branch. From my point of view it just increases confusion. Add new remote, checkout bugfix branch (it will track the branch from proper remote repository), then rebase your local modifications onto bugfix. You can use "git rebase REMOTE/bugfix" (I do not know your remote names, replace REMOTE to the name of the savannah repository). Target branch name for rebase is no more than convenient way to specify particular commit.

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