On Fri, May 27 2022, Ihor Radchenko wrote:

Ihor, thanks for your thoughts, but this does not solve my problem.

Here is an sample org table that exemplifies the problem:

#+begin_SRC emacs-lisp
  (setq org-calc-default-modes
    '(calc-internal-prec 12
             calc-float-format  (float 8)
             calc-angle-mode    deg
             calc-prefer-frac   nil
             calc-symbolic-mode nil
             calc-language latex ;; <--- this is new compared to default
             calc-date-format (YYYY "-" MM "-" DD " " Www (" " hh ":" mm))
             calc-display-working-message t))

| calc-internal-prec | 12 | calc-float-format | (float 8) | calc-angle-mode | 
deg | calc-prefer-frac | nil | calc-symbolic-mode | nil | calc-language | latex 
| calc-date-format | (YYYY - MM - DD   Www (  hh : mm)) | 
calc-display-working-message | t |

| Description  | Amount          |
| Mortage      | $125,000.26     |
| Credit Cards | 6,325.00        |
| Auto Loan    | 14,853.00       |
| Total        | :=vsum(@I..@II) |
#+TBLFM: @5$2=vsum(@I..@II)

-> Error: Invalid field specifier "$125"

| Description  |    Amount |
| Mortage      | 125000.26 |
| Credit Cards |   6325.00 |
| Auto Loan    |  14853.00 |
| Total        | 146178.26 |
#+TBLFM: @5$2=vsum(@I..@II)

| Description  | Amount     |
| Mortage      | 125,000.26 |
| Credit Cards | 6,325.00   |
| Auto Loan    | 14,853.00  |
| Total        | 1323.26    |
#+TBLFM: @5$2=vsum(@I..@II)

Note that the total is wrong.

| Description  | Amount                     |
| Mortage      | \dollar 125000.26          |
| Credit Cards | 6325.00                    |
| Auto Loan    | 14853.00                   |
| Total        | 125000.26 \dollar + 21178. |
#+TBLFM: @5$2=vsum(@I..@II)

Total is still wrong.
> You can, for example, do
> | 1 USD | 2 USD | 4 USD | 7 USD |
> #+tblfm: $4=vsum($1..$3)
> Emacs calc is able to work with arbitrary ascii symbols or even units.
> However, calc does not appear work with unicode. If Emacs calc were to
> support unicode, it would automatically work in Org.
> Also, you can
> enable latex in calc via
> (setq org-calc-default-modes
>   '(calc-internal-prec 12
>                      calc-float-format  (float 8)
>                      calc-angle-mode    deg
>                      calc-prefer-frac   nil
>                      calc-symbolic-mode nil
>                        calc-language latex ;; <--- this is new compared to 
> default
>                      calc-date-format (YYYY "-" MM "-" DD " " Www (" " hh ":" 
> mm))
>                      calc-display-working-message t))

But it requires the \dollar on every entry.  The convention if
financial table is to include the currency symbol only on the first

> Then, the following will work
> | \dollar1 | \dollar2 | \dollar3 | 6 \dollar |
> #+tblfm: $4=vsum($1..$3)

Whatever calc is able to handle, calc is not getting the entries
interpreted as numbers, or at least not the numbers that a human would

My elisp skills are limited, but it seems that org mode could, as a
matter of course, strip commas and currency symbols from the numbers
before delivering them to calc, and, if the user wants add back the
grouping commas and currency symbol with a format specifier in the

Also, it would be better if the regular expression for recognizing
numbers allowed grouping commas and currency symbols to be included by
default so that financial-type numbers get right-aligned by default.

> Best,
> Ihor

Daniel E. Doherty
Law Offices of Daniel E. Doherty
7300 W. 110th Street, Suite 930
Overland Park, KS 66210
913.338.7182 (Phone)
913.338.7164 (FAX)

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