Stefan Vollmar <> writes:
> Hello,
> I am excited about using org-mode for generating HTML code, in fact, for one
> project I do that so frequently that I wanted to have a simple  shortcut 
> instead
> of having to press:
> C-x C-s  C-c C-e b

C-c C-e b

is enough. No need to save the buffer first. The exporter reads the
contents from the buffer if open.


> I have tried (I know very little Lisp, sorry):
> (defun my-org-export ()
> "save, then export current org file to html, open in browser"
>   (save-buffer)
>   (interactive)
>   (org-export-as-html-and-open t))
> (global-set-key [(f2)] 'my-org-export)
> ... which does most of the job as intended. However, using this function 
> yields
> HTML output which renders second- and third-level  headlines into itemized 
> lists
> whereas I want to have the default  behaviour (1.1, 1.2, 1.2.3, etc).

Hm - you mean the exporter behaves differently if called through this

I'd have thought is is related to your setting of
`org-export-headline-levels', possibly overwritten by your in-buffer


change the `3' to the number of levels you want to be displayed as
headlines (max. 6 for HTML, max. 4 (?) for LaTeX).


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