Hi!  This past Monday, I sent you an email because your project is a
finalist in the SourceForge.net Community Choice Awards.  In order to
participate in our awards program, there are a few small things I need
to know about your project.  I have reason to believe that my email was
a bit flaky on Monday and Tuesday, so I thought it would be best to
send you a reminder.

Your project, Org-Mode, has been chosen as a finalist in Most Likely to
Change the Way You Do Everything.

This year, we want our voters to know as much as possible about your
project...but we need your help!

In order to accept your nomination, please respond to this email with
the following info before June 17th:

1. Complete this sentence in about 140 characters: "Our project is
[-foo-]."  For example, "Our project is a tool that helps you wash your

2. Complete this sentence, also in about 140 characters: "We should win
because [-bar-]."  For example, "We should win because we have a strong
community and we solve a universal problem."

3. Please provide a logo (or screenshot, if you'd prefer) for your
project.  It should be at least 640x480, but we'll also be showing it
as a thumbnail.

4. This one is optional, but it could make a big difference.  We'd like
to show our voters a video that introduces them to the core members of
your team.  Send along the URL (on YouTube) and we'll make sure they
see it!

5. In some cases, I'm mailing several people in your community because
I don't know who the right person is.  If you're not the right person
for me to be dealing with, please let me know.  I certainly don't want
to be irritating.

6. Our finalists are usually pretty interesting people.  Are you
willing to be contacted by our public relations team about interviews
with the press?

Thanks in advance for your responses.  If we don't receive this
information by June 17th, your position as a finalist may be given to
an alternate in your category - we'll be kicking off the final vote on
the 22nd, and we have to have time to put everything together!

Congratulations on having such a dedicated community, and best of luck!

Ross Turk
Director of Community, SourceForge
Emacs-orgmode mailing list
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