On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 11:10 PM, Carsten
Dominik<carsten.domi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Jun 11, 2009, at 11:31 PM, Dan Davison wrote:
>> John Rakestraw <li...@johnrakestraw.com> writes:
>>> Hi Carsten and the list --
>>> I really like the ideas, and I'm trying merely to shorten -- see
>>> suggestions below.
>>> --John
>>>> I also do like Brian's description a lot.  But it is 190 characters,
>>>> I am not sure if we can stretch the "about 140" this much?  I have
>>>> been trying to shorten it a bit - please check if it still captures
>>>> the essence.....
>>>> Here is the current state of our reply to Sourceforge - please comment
>>>>> 1. Complete this sentence in about 140 characters: "Our project is
>>>>> [-foo-]."  For example, "Our project is a tool that helps you wash
>>>>> your
>>>>> car."
>>>>   Org-mode masters personal/project information your way, in plain
>>>> text,
>>>>   with features out of your way until you want them, backed by the
>>>>   power of Emacs.
>>> Org-mode masters personal/project information your way, in plain
>>> text, with features hidden until needed, backed by the power of Emacs.
>> (unless (string-match "Our project is a" sourceforge-submission-sentence
>> 0)
>>  (message "shouldn't we follow the instructions?"))
>>>>> 1. Complete this sentence in about 140 characters: "Our project is
>>>>> [-foo-]."
> This is a good point, maybe they will be picky about it.
> Also, I am now thinking the 140 chars, what to the english native speakers
> here think:  Is this includin or excluding the given sentence start?????
> Our project is a tool to master personal/project data your way,
> in plain text, with features out of your way until needed,
> backed by the power of Emacs.
> - Carsten

Just a little nit, but should we play up the emacs part?  ("... backed
by the power of Emacs.")  It is an important part of org-mode power,
but I'm just thinking about the emacs/vi flame wars and people who
might not be able to see past that fact that it's "just an emacs
editing mode" to give org-mode a fair look.  If we want to attract the
emacs fans, I think the screen shot will make it obvious to them.
Anyhow, it's just a thought.  It looks like everything is coming
together good.


>>>>> 2. Complete this sentence, also in about 140 characters: "We
>>>>> should win
>>>>> because [-bar-]."  For example, "We should win because we have a
>>>>> strong
>>>>> community and we solve a universal problem."
>>>>   We should win because by allowing people to evolve their
>>>>   productive selves, org-mode has created one of the best
>>>>   communities in the open-source world.
>>> We should win because org-mode, by making users more productive, has
>>> spawned one of the best communities in the open-source world.
>>>>> 3. Please provide a logo (or screenshot, if you'd prefer) for your
>>>>> project.  It should be at least 640x480, but we'll also be showing
>>>>> it as a thumbnail.
>>>> I am attaching the picture to this email, you can also retrieve it
>>>> from
>>>> http://orgmode.org/Org-mode-scc.png
>>>> (((Thanks to Greg Newman for fixing up the unicorn and pasting it
>>>> nicely into the screenshot - any objections against this picture?
>>>> Note that it needs to work as a thumbnail as well, which this one
>>>> will, I believe.)))
>>>> For the time being, I am sending you this link, which is a Google
>>>> Tech Talk
>>>> by me (Carsten Dominik, main author of Org-mode).
>>>>       http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJTwQvgfgMM
>>>> Before the deadline you should get another email from Bastien Guerry,
>>>> with a link to a new video which we made just for this occasion.
>>>> If so, please link to that video instead.
>>>>> 5. In some cases, I'm mailing several people in your community
>>>>> because I don't know who the right person is.  If you're not the
>>>>> right person for me to be dealing with, please let me know.
>>>>> I certainly don't want to be irritating.
>>>> Main address:       carsten.domi...@gmail.com
>>>> Secondary address:  bastiengue...@googlemail.com
>>>>> 6. Our finalists are usually pretty interesting people.  Are you
>>>>> willing to be contacted by our public relations team about
>>>>> interviews with the press?
>>>> Yes.
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