Hello! Eric S Fraga writes:
I updated org today and now get Bad sexp at line 461 in /home/ucecesf/s/notes/diary.org: (let ((entry ) (date '(4 19 2022))) (diary-float t 2 3)) for a line that looks like <%%(diary-float t 2 3)> This has been in my diary for a very long time with no error. I wonder if this has anything to do with the changes to the use of advice? Nothing else in the recent changes in the git log seem to be relevant.
I've had the same problem after updating org from git with entries like %%(org-anniversary 2000 4 4) X is %d years old The commit introducing it is https://github.com/bzg/org-mode/commit/6d73cd34a07796c33f9435bfc8c9a19e67656c7a And the problem is gone, after reverting (result (if calendar-debug-sexp (eval sexp t) (condition-case nil (eval sexp t) back to (result (if calendar-debug-sexp (eval sexp) (condition-case nil (eval sexp) in org-diary-sexp-entry in org.el. I wrote about in on Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/orgmode/comments/tvwxv0/the_commit_on_apr_1_2022_broke_organniversary_for/ Kind regards, Christian