On 3/22/22, Ihor Radchenko <yanta...@gmail.com> wrote: > lax - agenda may match anything date-looking (with or without brackets). > A specialized regex agenda matcher with regex constructed using current > agenda date. > > Maybe we can introduce a new agenda view? Or maybe a special agenda > mode, similar to org-agenda-include-inactive-timestamps?
over the years i have seen different opinions on contexts in which tses [and links, not to make it more complex but to in principle strive for some type of orthogonality iff discussion goes there] should show up in agenda and where it should not. [as a same page type of check, for tses we are talking about "daily/weekly" which has different semantics from search agenda and cannot be reproduced with search agenda via parameterization.] another context [not to create controversy but also for in principle orthogonality] is line comments, which some think should mean tses and links therein should not show up in agenda and not fontify and not be clickable [rule = "remove tses and links from org semantics and fontification including agenda but not including certain org searchers like org-occur-in-agend-files"], while others think should mean "remove from all export" [use case: so you as author can document exportable stuff inline using comments and still have your tses show up in daily/weekly if you want that and have clickable links without having those exposed to the recipient of the exported document, etc.]. links in line comments can be worked around with a bit of code, but idk about tses. some will want tses commentable. some not. your idea of expanding to other date-like things is an interesting idea, and so is making an analogy with log mode. another possibility is to satisfy the preferences users have expressed [and those with n>1 needs] using a single variable that contains the contexts that should show in daily/weekly agenda. org uses multi-item variables more frequently in recent years [e.g. org-show-context-detail or visibility for sparse trees] which reduces vars. you might have had log mode items in mind, which is similar. thus in principle it need not be a mode like log mode items, but could be in agenda custom commnds. i think a whole view [unlike log mode and tag filtering] might be confusing to newcomers as [just as with sorting and log mode items and allow COMMENT and allow ARCHIVE] the regular daily/weekly view is parameterizable. i know i got confused by the todo view, wondering if it was something not creatable with parameterization. so i would go for your second idea, or the var. i do think different preferences exist out there, some strong. with one or the other, future defaults are trivially changed, transparent/discoverble by user, and open to user change. [one problem now being that users can be not merely surprised, but unaware that stuff is missing from agenda.] > > Best, > Ihor >